April 19 NEC Energy News
¶ “EVs: The Rise Of The Electron Monsters. Do We Really Need 9000-Pound Electric Vehicles?” • Back in the ’70s, people made up the phrase “gas guzzler” to describe vehicles that consumed way too much gasoline. Now, we have some EVs that consume far more raw materials and electricity than is wise in a world that needs to transition quickly. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Colorado Ignores Carbon-Free Nuclear Power As Utah Embraces It” • As Colorado seems to ignore nuclear energy’s potential, a set of Utah cities and towns is moving forward with building a 462-MW small modular reactor generating station in Idaho, at the US DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory near Idaho Falls. [Denver Gazette] (Some Utah cities have dropped out of the deal because of bad economics.)
¶ “Wind Turbines Can Stabilize The Grid” • In a milestone for renewable energy integration, GE and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory operated a common class of wind turbines in grid-forming mode, which is when the generator can set grid voltage and frequency and, if necessary, operate without power from the electric grid. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Global 2021 Wind Additions Nudge 100 GW” • A surge in Chinese offshore installations has pushed global wind capacity additions to 92.5 GW in 2021, according to research from Rethink Energy.Overall, China accounted for a leading 51% share of global wind additions, followed by the US (15%), Brazil (4%), Sweden (2%), and Turkey (2%). [reNews]

¶ “Natural Gas Spikes To Highest Level Since 2008 As Rare Nor’easter Looms” • Natural gas futures surged to levels unseen since 2008 as the Northeast braces for a rare April blast of heavy snow. Natural gas futures soared 9% to $7.96 per million BTU in recent trading, leaving natural gas prices up by a staggering 113% since the end of last year. [CNN]
¶ “Shining Cities 2022” • Solar power continues to expand rapidly. The US has 121.4 GW of solar PV capacity, generating enough energy to power over 23 million homes. Millions of Americans have invested in solar energy and millions more are ready to join them. America’s major cities could reap great benefits from solar energy. [Environment Maine]
¶ “CAISO Renewables Set All-Time Record 97.6% With More Records Possible In April: Operator” • CAISO, the California Independent System Operator, set an all-time peak record when renewables provided 97.6% of the grid’s electricity on April 3. There is a potential for more renewable records in April, according to the grid operator. [S&P Global]
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