April 24 NEC Energy News

¶ “No, Nuclear Power Isn’t The ‘Big Bazooka’ Climate Fix You Might Think” • Germany’s exit from nuclear power doesn’t single it out as a quirky anomaly or black sheep in a world otherwise enthusiastically embracing nuclear energy. It puts Germany in the global mainstream. Ever more countries are abandoning or scaling back nuclear power programs. [CNN]

Nuclear power plant (Frédéric PaulussenUnsplash)

¶ “US Inflation Reduction Act ‘To Spur $3 Trillion Investment In Renewable Energy Tech” • The US Inflation Reduction Act will spur about $3 trillion of investment in renewable energy, a report from Goldman Sachs says. The IRA could produce double the amount of energy from the US shale revolution more than a decade ago, the report says. [The National]

¶ “Scania And Northvolt Announce New Battery For Heavy-Duty Trucks” • Scania, the heavy truck manufacturer that is part of Volkswagen Group, and Northvolt say they have teamed up to create a battery for heavy-duty electric trucks that will last as long as the vehicles themselves – about 1.5 million kilometers (930,000 miles). [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Lush Prairies Could Really Be ‘Green Deserts’” • It’s tough out there for a hungry grasshopper on the Kansas prairie. Oh, there’s plenty of grass to eat, but this century’s grass isn’t what it used to be. It’s less nutritious, and it’s deficient in minerals, including sodium, potassium, and calcium. A major culprit is increased carbon dioxide levels. [The Atlantic]

Grasshopper (Wulan Sari, Unsplash)

¶ “South Florida Faces Fuel Crisis From Flooding – Electric Cars Are Fine” • South Florida got some crazy, record-breaking rain and flooding last week. With natural disasters, come fuel crises, and in this case, there were massive fuel shortages in the South Florida region. You know who didn’t have any such problems? Electric car drivers. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “EPA To Issue Power Plant Rules That Lean On Carbon Capture” • The US government may soon require power plants that burn natural gas to install technology to capture carbon emissions, sources said, as President Joe Biden’s administration enacts new rules to help decarbonize the power sector in twelve years. The EPA is unveiling the new standards. [AOL]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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