August 2 NEC Energy News
¶ “The UK Once Vowed To Be A Global Climate Leader. Now Rishi Sunak Is Stoking A Culture War On Green Policies” • Less than two years ago, Britain was making itself a global leader in fighting the climate crisis. Now, as the Sunak government limps towards an election many expect it to lose, determination seems to have been swapped for divisiveness. [CNN]
¶ “MPs Attack Nuclear Power Ambition ‘Wish List’” • The UK’s target of 24 GW of nuclear-generating capacity by 2050 and the aspiration to deploy a new nuclear reactor every year are more of a “wish list” than the comprehensive detailed strategy required to ensure such capacity is built, the Commons’ science, innovation and technology committee warns. [The Planner]
¶ “Developing Nonflammable Electrolyte To Prevent Thermal Runaway In Lithium-Ion Batteries” • The Korea Institute of Science and Technology President Seok-Jin Yoon announced that a collaborative research team has developed a nonflammable electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries that does not catch fire at room temperature. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Electric lines kill birds. But they’re a lot better than climate change” • The National Audubon Society published a report that makes the case for displacing fossil fuels by building a lot more renewable energy infrastructure – even if certain birds are killed or harmed by some of that infrastructure. The report focuses on power lines specifically. [Los Angeles Times]
¶ “Phoenix Gets Some Relief From Heat Streak Of 31 Days Over 110°F” • Residents of Phoenix have received some brief respite as a 31-day streak of temperatures over 110°F (43°C) came to an end after monsoon rains. The heat streak ended on Monday when the temperatures maxed out at 108°F. Temperatures are expected to rise again this week, possibly to 115°F. [BBC]
¶ “FERC Unanimously Approves New Grid Interconnection Rules” • The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission voted unanimously to approve broad changes in how new electricity sources get connected to the grid. The new rule shifts away from the previous “first filed, first approved” process to a “first ready, first served” approach. [CleanTechnica]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.