December 17 NEC Energy News

¶ “Energy Shift In Action: Brown Coal Hits New Low In Victoria, Renewables Hit New High In NSW” • As the Australian Energy Market Operator unveiled its draft 2024 Integrated System Plan, Victoria and New South Wales set energy generation records, showing rapid shifts in Australia’s energy landscape. In Victoria, brown coal use hit a record low. [Renew Economy]

Wind farm in NSW (GrahamecCC-BY-SA 4.0, cropped)

¶ “Russia Intensifying Pressure On Captured Nuclear Plant’s Staff” • The Russian invasion forces are increasing pressure on Ukrainian personnel of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the facility held by the Russians since March 2022, forcing them to get Russian passports and sign contracts with Russia’s nuclear generation operator Rosatom. [Ukrinform]

¶ “Nations Begin Tightening The Screws On Chinese Electric Car Imports” • China today has dozens of electric car makers who crank out EVs at an astonishing rate. But as China gets closer to meeting its own electric car needs, its car makers are looking to export markets. For some countries, China is seen as a threat to local industry, and they are reacting. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Here’s How Wind Farms In The US Impact Nearby Home Values” • A study by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab examined a dataset of 500,000 home sales near 428 wind farms in 34 states. It found home sale prices within a mile of a wind farm tend to dip post-announcement, but they bounce back to what they were within three to five years of project completion. [Electrek]

Wind Turbines on a Farm (KSRE PhotoCC BY 2.0)

¶ “Federal Employees: It’s Time To Commute By EV Or Public Transit” • Federal employees, your days of driving a gas-guzzler to work solo are soon to become a thing of the past. The Biden administration is directing all federal employees to use more environmentally friendly options when traveling locally and for federal business. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Solar Rooftops Gain Traction As Electric Vehicles Owners Look To Skip Paying For Electricity Or Gasoline” • When Jim Selgo moved to his home in Arizona in 2019, he had rooftop PVs installed. Less than a year later, taking more action to address climate change, he bought his first EV, a Nissan Leaf. He hasn’t paid for electricity or gasoline since. [Fortune]

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