December 2 NEC Energy News
¶ “Leading California Winery Makes Transition To 100% Solar Power” • A leading sustainable winery in Alexander Valley is making major strides once again after announcing a crucial energy switch. A report by Wine Industry Advisor says Skipstone has just gone 100% solar. Thanks to a SolarCraft installation, Skipstone fully runs on solar power. [MSN]

¶ “Trial Run At Finland’s Onkalo Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository” • Finland is in a trial run to demonstrate the process for the safe disposal of spent nuclear fuel at Onkalo, the first permanent geological repository. So far, nuclear waste specialist Posiva has encapsulated and stored three canisters of non-radioactive test elements. [POWER Magazine]
¶ “Nuclear Energy Proposal In The Northwest Is A ‘Distraction’ From Proven Renewables” • Interest is growing in nuclear energy as a solution to “dirty” sources of power. But Kelly Campbell, policy director for Columbia Riverkeeper, said companies are looking into nuclear because they want a “magic bullet” for climate change. [MSN]
¶ “Solar Project Converts Cranberry Bog Into An Efficient Power Source” • In Carver, Massachusetts, a 7.1 MW-DC community solar installation with a 4-MW, 2-hour battery storage system will supply clean energy to nearby institutions and residents through Eversource Energy. The array was sited on 28 acres of a cranberry bog. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Australia Opens Tender 4 For 6 GW Of Renewable Energy Projects” • Australia opened registration for Tender 4 of its Capacity Investment Scheme, for 6 GW of renewable capacity in the National Electricity Market. Stage A for project bids will open on 13 December 2024. Bidders will have until 18 February 2025 to submit project bids. [MSN]
¶ “Iron-Air Energy Storage Finishes What Natural Gas Started” • When phase 1 of the massive Sherco solar plant in Minnesota went online last week, partially replacing the nearby Sherco coal plant, an iron-air battery system went with it. Though it only has 10 MW of capacity, the pilot-scale system will unlock the full 24/7 potential of solar power. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “US Renewable Energy Growth In First Three-Quarters” • A report from FERC highlighted main facts about the renewable energy growth in the US in the first three-quarters of 2024. Of new US generating capacity in the first three quarters of 2024, 89.6% was renewable. Solar was most important, with 77.7% of the new capacity during this period. [GreentechLead]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.