December 7 NEC Energy News
¶ “USA’s Largest Solar+Stoage Project Approved: Emission-Free Electricity for 800,000 Homes” • Sunstone Solar, the US’ largest proposed solar project, has final discretionary permission from the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council. It brings owner Pine Gate Renewables close to building the project’s 1.2 GW of solar PVs and 1.2 GW of storage. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Energy Bills Set To Skyrocket As Miliband ‘Opens Door’ To Nuclear Reactors In Net Zero Push” • Energy Secretary Ed Miliband could heighten energy bills as he confirms plans for new nuclear projects in the UK. But interested developers are reportedly asking for assurance of financial support to ensure their projects get a minimum return. [GB News]
¶ “Lithium-Sulfur EV Battery Could Reverse The Ill Fortunes Of Stellantis” • The lithium-sulfur EV battery formula has been a tough nut to crack. Early attempts ran into both mechanical and chemical degradation obstacles. But Stellantis has lithium-sulfur batter deal and a loan commitment of $7.5 billion from the US DOE for a new battery factory. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Nexamp Is To Bring 350 MW Of Distributed Solar Power Generation To Illinois And New York” • Nexamp announced it has partnered with Fuyo General Lease USA to deploy more than 350 MW of distributed solar power generation projects in Illinois and New York, bringing both states closer to their goals for carbon-free power. [pv magazine USA]

¶ “Meta-Analysis Of Current Global Warming Impacts Suggests A Third Of All Species Could Be Extinct By 2100” • A biologist at the University of Connecticut has found evidence that up to a third of all species alive today could become extinct by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not slowed or stopped. His study was published in the journal Science. [MSN]
¶ “New Regulations To Protect Alberta’s Agricultural Lands And Environment” • Over the past decade, Alberta has seen rapid growth of its renewable energy sector. However, the regulations governing this have not kept pace with development, leading to concerns from municipalities, agricultural producers, and land owners, so the government has had to act. [ABP Daily]
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