February 7 NEC Energy News

¶ “Pacific Forum And Japan Going Head-To-Head Over Planned Nuclear Wastewater Dump” • There are hopes that a meeting will address issues about the looming release of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. The Government of Japan, Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Henry Puna, and Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown are to meet in Japan. [RNZ]

TEPCO installing discharge outlet caisson (TEPCO image)

¶ “Russia Says That Protection Structures At The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Are Near Completion” • Construction of protective structures for key facilities at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in southeast Ukraine is nearing completion, Russia’s state TASS news agency reported, citing an adviser to the head of Russia’s nuclear plants operator. [Business Recorder]

¶ “Renewables In China Trend Upward While Nuclear Trends Flat” • In China, the combination of wind and solar, and usually both individually, outstrips new nuclear generation, both in raw nameplate capacity and in additional TWh of annual generation. Hydropower adds even more. China’s nuclear power is barely growing, compared to renewables. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “New Study Links EVs With Real-World Reductions In Air Pollution And Respiratory Problems” • A study by researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, published in the journal Science of the Total Environment, has found a link between the increased use of zero-emission vehicles and improved air quality and public health in California. [CleanTechnica]

Cleaner air for San Francisco (Joonyeop Baek, Unsplash)

¶ “Atmospheric Rivers Aren’t Just A Problem For California. They’re Changing The Arctic, Too” • The Arctic is seeing a rapid decline in sea ice even during the cold winter months when it should be recovering from the summer melt. Scientists say that one often-overlooked factor plays a bigger role than they had thought: Atmospheric rivers. [CNN]

¶ “NREL Removes Initial Barrier To Distributed Wind Turbine Certification” • By funding the International Code Council’s Small Wind Certification Council to cover costs of preliminary reviews for certification applicants, NREL is helping ensure that turbine designs are ready to successfully complete the process of certification. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Maine PUC Moves Forward With Transmission Line To Deliver Renewable Energy From Northern Maine” • The Maine Public Utilities Commission has issued an order to move forward with LS Power Grid Maine’s transmission line. It will deliver renewable energy from Aroostook County, Maine into the New England grid. [Renewable Energy Magazine]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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