February 8 NEC Energy News

¶ “RWE Boss: German Nuclear Power Plants Are Dispensable” • The head of energy group RWE, Markus Krebber, believes the last three German nuclear power plants still in operation are dispensable. “In the overall European energy supply, the good four gigawatts of output of the last three German nuclear power plants make no difference.” [Market Screener]

German nuclear plant (Pixy.org, CC0)

¶ “Senators Form Bipartisan Colorado River Caucus As Tensions Rise In West Over Water Crisis” • As the Colorado River sinks further into crisis and tensions rise between Western states over how to divvy up painful water cuts, a bipartisan group of senators is formalizing a new caucus to examine how the US government could help in the situation. [CNN]

¶ “New Energy Storage Facility Could Be Coming To Pueblo Under Pilot Plan” • Pueblo could soon become home to an iron-air battery storage system to back up energy from solar and wind plants. The system will be on the site of Xcel Energy’s Comanche 3 power plant, which is slated to close December 31, 2030 as the last coal-burning plant in Colorado. [Pueblo Chieftain]

¶ “Europe, China, And India Can Electrify All Rail, Why Can’t The US?” • India is at 83% rail electrification, and is ahead of schedule to achieve almost 100%. China is at 72%, on its way to 100%. It’s built 40,000 km (30,000 miles) of grid-tied electrified high-speed rail since 2007. Europe is at 60% so far. And then there’s the US, with 1%. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Renewable Energy Surge Signals A Tipping Point For Power Sector Emissions” • An expected surge in renewables electricity generation through 2025 signals coming to the tipping point of emissions in the power sector, the International Energy Agency said. It expects renewables’ share of global power generation mix to rise from 29% in 2022 to 35% in 2025. [Oil Price]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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