January 26 NEC Energy News
¶ “Nuclear Energy Should Not Become Major Part Of Philippine Energy System” • Proponents would highlight nuclear energy as a potential solution to address the climate crisis. However, as a mitigation option, solar and wind energy not only have much higher potential for reducing GHG emissions, but also are more cost-effective than nuclear energy. [Rappler]
¶ “Tesla Is A ‘Sustainability Behemoth,’ Analyst Calls Out” • Tesla is increasingly focusing on renewable energy as a whole, rather than just EVs, offering a broad range of solar and energy storage products. This made Tesla into an unprecedented new type of company, one that offers huge benefits to the world in the way of general sustainability. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “EPA Plans To Stop Six Power Plants From Dumping Toxic Coal Ash Into Unlined Ponds” • The EPA announced it plans to stop six coal-fired power plants from continuing to dump coal ash into unlined ponds. The agency announced last year that it would begin to enforce Obama-era regulations requiring coal-fired power plants to clean up their waste. [CNN]
¶ “Kenya’s Producing Its First Electric Buses” • Kenya’s BasiGo is a perfect example of how quickly things can happen. Established in May 2021, BasiGo sealed partnerships with several banks in Kenya. It just announced a partnership with Associated Vehicle Assemblers to make 1,000 electric buses in Kenya over the next three years. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “GreenGo Plans 4-GW Danish Energy Park” • GreenGo Energy joined forces with Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality in Denmark to develop a 4-GW green energy park using renewable hybrid solar and wind energy. Under the plans, this energy will fed directly to the Megaton energy park, at the core of which will be 2 GW of electrolysis. [reNews]
¶ “Foresight Backs 100-MW German Electrolyser Project” • Foresight, through its managed funds, is to invest in a 100-MW green hydrogen project in Germany. Two Foresight funds, HH2E and HydrogenOne Capital Growth, are developing the project, located in Borna, Saxony. It will produce around 6000 tonnes of hydrogen a year, initially. [reNews]
¶ “Microsoft and Qcells Announce Strategic Alliance” • Qcells is investing in building a US solar supply chain, and Microsoft is commited to be carbon negative by 2030. They are partnering on a supply chain for new renewable generrating capacity projected to require at least 2.5 GW of solar panels, enough to power over 400,000 homes. [Tech Times]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.