March 27 NEC Energy News

¶ “As Antarctica’s Penguins Struggle With Record Low Sea Ice, One Species Is Adapting – It Offers Lessons To Us All” • While Adélie and chinstrap penguins are stuck in their ancient ways, the much more flexible gentoo penguins are ranging ever farther south. And as they show willingness to abandon a nest or chase new prey, their numbers are exploding. [CNN]

Gentoo penguins (Derek Oyen, Unsplash)

¶ “Monticello Nuclear Plant Leak: Xcel Energy To Host Another Open House Q&A” • Xcel Energy temporarily powered down the plant Friday after finding a new radioactive leak. The company first found a leak in November, which amounted to about 400,000 gallons of radioactive water. Xcel Energy is hosting a Q&A webinar today. [CBS News]

¶ “Germany-EU Spat Over E-Fuels Ends Amicably – For Now” • The EU was to ban new cars with internal combustion engines 2035, but Germany insisted they be allowed if they were to run only on green synthetic fuels.  The two sides have reached a compromise that would put sensors into the cars to prevent their running on fossil fuels. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “As Flooding Increases, These Cities Are Designed To Work With – Not Against – The Water” • With the climate crisis threatening cities, some are trying a different way to protect themselves from rising water levels. These vulnerable urban areas are looking to work with, rather than against, the water. There are many ways to accomplish this. [CNN]

Floating homes in Amsterdam (Courtesy of Space&Matter)

¶ “Boris Johnson’s Climate Adviser Backs Labour’s Energy Security Strategy” • Boris Johnson’s former climate adviser has backed Labour’s plans to make Britain energy secure by 2030, the Guardian learned. His endorsement came after Rishi Sunak signalled the end of a moratorium on new onshore wind projects after facing a Conservative rebellion. [The Guardian]

¶ “The Chevy Bolt EV Is On The Verge Of Overtaking The Ford Mustang Mach-E” • The Chevy Bolt EUV makes a strange rival to the Ford Mustang Mach-E. The Bolt EUV can’t compete with the Mustang Mach-E in performance. They are not rivals for speed records. However, the Bolt EUV is about to overtake the Mach-E in sales. []

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