May 24 NEC Energy News

¶ “Nuclear Safety Is Another Casualty Of The Ukraine War” • Despite the international treaties, with nuclear power plants the possible consequences of a careless miscalculation can be too enormous to contemplate. This is why the fighting in Ukraine is perilous not only to its long-suffering population but also for the international community. [The National]

Nuclear plant (, CCo)

¶ “ROK Experts Begin Fukushima Nuclear Plant Tour on Treated Water” • A delegation of South Korean experts began a two-day observation of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to look into issues related to treated water. TEPCO’s plan to release the treated water into the ocean caused strong concerns in South Korea. [The Japan News]

¶ “Prieto Introduces Battery That Charges In Three Minutes” • Prieto, a startup based in Fort Collins, Colorado, has unveiled a prototype of a battery it says works in a range from -30°F to above 100°F. What is even more exciting about Prieto is that its 3D batteries can be fully charged from 0 to 100% in just three minutes and are nonflammable. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “South Africa Load-Shedding: The Roots Of Eskom’s Power Problem” • South Africa is heading into winter with the prospect of power cuts lasting up to sixteen hours a day. The roots of the problem lie in poor management, corruption, sabotage, and gangs willing to kill anyone who threatened to clean up the coal industry or move towards renewable energy. [BBC]

Power outage (Claudio Schwarz, Unsplash)

¶ “Global Temperature Rise Could See Billions Live In Places Where Human Life Doesn’t Flourish, Study Says” • If the current pace of global warming goes unchecked, it will push billions of people outside the “climate niche,” the temperatures where humans can flourish, according to a study published in the journal Nature Sustainability. [CNN]

¶ “House Votes To Revoke Tougher EPA Emissions Regulation For Trucks” • The House voted Tuesday to rescind a Biden administration emissions regulation for heavy-duty trucks. The Senate voted to overturn the rule in April, so it will now be sent to President Joe Biden’s desk. The White House has said the president will veto it. [CNN]

¶ “New York’s Skyscrapers Are Causing It To Sink – What Can Be Done About It?” • The ground under New York City is sinking partly due to the sheer mass of all its buildings. But New York is not the only coastal city to be suffering this fate. And at the same time, sea levels are rising at the same time to meet these concrete jungles. Can they be saved? [BBC]

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