November 2 NEC Energy News

¶ “Natural Gas Power Plants Begin Their Inevitable Decline” • Natural-gas-fired power plants are expected to provide 38% of the nation’s electricity in 2022, according to the US Energy Information Administration. Though nearly a net 6,900 MW of capacity will be added this year, natural gas is expected to be 36% of the power mix in 2023. [The Street]

Wisconsin gas-powered plant (Dual FreqCC-BY-SA 3.0)

¶ “Poland To Build Three Nuclear Power Plants” • The Polish government unveiled plans to install six large pressurized water reactors by 2040 with a combined installed capacity of 6 GW to 9 GW. Poland signed an agreement with the US on cooperation in the field of civil nuclear energy. Westinghouse offered its AP1000 technology. [Balkan Green Energy News]

¶ “Ukrainians Are Dreading The ‘Darkest Winter’ As Russia Takes Aim At The Power Grid” • As the weather gets colder, millions of Ukrainians are trying to prepare for what they know will be an extremely difficult winter. The Ukrainian government said in July that over 800,000 homes had been damaged or destroyed in the war. Now Russia is bombing power plants. [CNN]

¶ “EDF Renewables Turns Sod For 50-MW Battery” • EDF Renewables UK has started construction of a 50-MW battery site at Energy Superhub Coventry. The 50-MW, 100-MWh battery will help to support the integration of renewables in the UK by storing energy when the supply is abundant and discharging it when the supply is lower. [reNews]

EDF battery (EDF image)

¶ “Renewable Energy Records Tumble Around The Country As Rooftop Solar Power Soars” • Soaring power production from rooftop solar panels broke records across Australia as output from fossil fuels fell to all-time lows. “We have observed records being broken recently – I think we need to get used to that,” a former electricity system planner said. [ABC]

¶ “Almost 25% Of US Electrical Generation Was Renewable In The First Two-Thirds Of 2022” • Renewable electricity sources saw increases in the first two-thirds of 2022, Energy Information Administration data shows. In the first eight months of 2022, nearly a quarter of US electricity generation came from clean energy sources, Electrek reported. [EcoWatch]

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