December 12 NEC Energy News

¶ “Ultra Thin Printed Solar Cells From MIT” • Researchers at MIT developed ultra thin, flexible solar cells that can be printed using semiconductor inks and scalable fabrication techniques. They are much thinner than a human hair, weigh 1% as much as a conventional solar panels, and generate 18 times more power per kilogram, an MIT blog post says. [CleanTechnica]

Solar cells (MIT image)

¶ “US Officials Set to Announce Fusion Energy Breakthrough” • The pursuit of fusion reactors has gone on for decades. US scientists reportedly have carried out the first nuclear fusion experiment to achieve a net energy gain. The US Department of Energy is expected to announce the breakthrough on December 13, according to news reports. [POWER Magazine]

¶ “Humanity Is A Weapon Of Mass Extinction, Says António Guterres At COP 15” • UN chief António Guterres opened COP 15, the 15th UN Conference On Biodiversity, by saying humanity is a weapon of mass extinction and that governments must end the “orgy of destruction” associated with the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Rare Wave Clouds Amaze Sky-Watchers In Wyoming” • A stunned sky-watcher in Wyoming snapped photos of a rare cloud formation that looked a lot like ocean surf. “This was special and I immediately knew I needed to capture it,” Rachel Gordon said. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability should remind us of how amazing nature can be. [BBC]

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (Rachel Gordon via Facebook)
I don’t know of a conspiracy theory that explains this. Science does.

¶ “Australia Already At ‘Worst Case’ Climate Scenarios For 2030” • Australia already appears to be experiencing the worst-case climate scenarios that were projected to occur eight years from now. The finding was revealed by world-renowned climatologist David Karoly’s analysis of how closely projections published in 2015 align to current conditions. [Cosmos Magazine]

¶ “Erthos Redefines The Meaning Of Ground Mount Solar” • Erthos has a better idea for how to install solar panels. It is to lay them flat on the ground. The installation method has drawbacks and advantages for installers to weigh. Encore Renewable Energy, a Vermont firm, signed an MOU with Erthos for a noteworthy project in their portfolio. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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