NEC was pleased to participate in this public forum.  Our representative Mr. Raymond Shadis was the only panelist with experience through the decommissioning of a nuclear power station, that being Maine Yankee.  The video programs are 1-1/2 hrs approx., the transcript is much quicker to see what Mr. Shadis had to say. – ct

‘Life After VY: What Next?’    Community Forum sponsored by The Commons  Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013  Hooker-Dunham Theater   139 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301

We hope to see you all again for another installment of the newspaper’s ‘Voices Live’ series. In the meantime, please find below the just-released BCTV video footage of the event, as well as links to the forum’s press coverage on VPR and Channel 3 WCAX, featuring the panelists (assembled for your viewing pleasure by The Commons Editor-in-Chief Jeff Potter):

•  Video of Voices Live is released!  (high-def)         Thanks to BCTV  Brattleboro Community Television  (standard def)


Press coverage:
• Channel 3 (WCAX) did a report last night (and, to their credit, promptly corrected their identification of us as a website):

• Susan Keese filed a report for VPR today:


Jeff Potter, Editor, The Commons
Chris Campany, executive director of the Brattleboro-based Windham Regional Commission
Pat Moulten Powden, Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) rep. and dir. of workforce development, Bratt. Dev. Credit Corp. .
Raymond Shadis has been an active nuclear safety advocate for more than 30 years. He served seven years on Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company’s Community Advisory Panel on Decommissioning.
John R. Mullin is a professor in the Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, associate director of the Center for Economic Development
Mike Hebert, the vice-president of Green Mountain Billing Service, Inc., has represented the Windham-1 district in Vermont State House of Representatives since 2010

Olga Peters is the senior reporter for The Commons, an independent weekly newspaper serving southeastern Vermont. In addition to community news, Peters also covers economics, agriculture, mental health, and issues around Entergy’s Vermont Yankee nuclear plant.

Randolph T. Holhut,  Moderator for the forum.  Deputy editor of The Commons, the source for independent news,  views, and everything else.
Welcome to our first edition of Voices Live!

We are making the content of this public forum available under
the Creative Commons-Noncommercial-Attribution license. We
hope the news media, bloggers, and interested people will continue
the discussion, quoting and reproducing any of these remarks as you
wish, giving appropriate credit to The Commons and, of course,
to the participants of tonight’s event.

THANKS to the lead behind the scenes organizer of this event,
Leah McGrath Goodman,
Senior Writer, Newsweek
Author, HarperCollins
Member, The London Speaker Bureau

The short URL of the present article is: