December 16 NEC Energy News
¶ “Holtec Wants NRC To Deny Antinuclear Groups A Hearing Over Proposed Palisades Restart” • Holtec International asked the NRC to deny a petition by three antinuclear groups who want a hearing about its request for an exemption to NRC regulations that forbid refueling a reactor that has been legally scheduled for decommissioning. [ExchangeMonitor]

¶ “California Regulators Vote To Extend Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Operations Through 2030” • California energy regulators voted to allow the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant to operate for an additional five years, despite calls from environmental groups to shut it down. The twin reactors supply up to 9% of the state’s electricity. They date to the mid-1980s. [KPBS]
¶ “NRC Inspectors Praise Vermont Yankee As Example For ‘How To Decommission’” • Two federal NRC inspectors praised the work of NorthStar Group Services in its decommissioning of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. They said they often bring other NRC inspectors to Vernon to see how it is being done and should be done. [Brattleboro Reformer]
¶ “More Diesel-Killing Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Trains Heading For Germany, Plus India Piles On” • In September the Siemens Mobility announced completion of the first round of testing for its Mireo Plus H hydrogen train. If all goes according to plan, fuel cell electric trains will begin ferrying passengers sometime next summer. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “India’s Ambitious Power Expansion Plan” • India aims to achieve an installed capacity of over 900 GW by 2031-32. This includes 284 GW of fossil-based capacity and 615 GW of non-fossil-based capacity (including nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, biomass, and pumped storage), along with battery capacities of over 47 GW, 236 GWh. [SolarQuarter]
¶ “This Electric Cargo Bike Can Go Up To 248 Miles Per Charge” • The Fiido Titan fat tire electric cargo bike is available with an option that can allow for really long rides between charging — up to 248 miles, which is remarkable for an e-bike. The specs on the Titan are impressive. For starters, it’s rated for 440 pounds of total carrying capacity. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “US BEV Sales Up 143% Over Q3 2021” • US full battery EV (BEV) sales continue to grow by leaps and bounds. Despite all the hype about “weak” electric vehicle demand and sales, they are actually strong and growing. Compared to Q3 2021, BEV sales in Q3 2023 were up 143%. Compared to Q3 2022, BEV sales in Q3 2023 were up 44%. [CleanTechnica]
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