December 26 NEC Energy News

¶ “Deep Wind Offshore Reveals 70-Turbine Wind Farm Project Offshore Sweden” • Deep Wind Offshore, based in Norway, is submitting a permit application for construction and operation of an offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Bothnia, off the south coast of Sweden. The Olof Skötkonung wind farm will include up to 70 wind turbines. []

Offshore wind farm construction (EDF Renewables image)

¶ “COP28’s Unrealistic Tripling Of Nuclear Power” • UN climate conferences since 1992 have failed to follow through with results, as CO₂ emissions continue higher and higher with every passing year. The most recent conference, COP28, embraced nuclear power as a godsend challenging climate change. This is more fantasy than reality. [CityWatch Los Angeles]

¶ “2023 Has Been A Big Year For Climate Accountability In The Courts ” • Climate litigation had a momentous year in 2023. Courts worldwide heard evidence and arguments at pivotal trials and hearings. Landmark rulings marked progress in holding governments to account for climate inaction or denial, and new climate cases continued to be filed. [DeSmog]

¶ “Large Indiana Solar Farm Approved To Power Southwest Michigan” • The Michigan Public Service Commission signed off on a large solar farm in Indiana to help power six counties in southwest Michigan. It approved a certificate of public necessity to Indiana Michigan Power Co for a 245-MW solar array to be built in Blackford County, Indiana. []

Solar farm (Mark Stebnicki, Pexels)

¶ “Amazon Drought: ‘We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This’” • The Amazon rainforest experienced its worst drought on record in 2023. Many villages became unreachable by river, wildfires raged, and wildlife died. Some scientists worry events like these are a sign that the world’s biggest forest is fast approaching a point of no return. [BBC]

¶ “Energy Sector Not Ready For Rapid Rise Of Renewables, Analysts Say” • A survey by the International Energy Agency of clean energy firms finds that not enough workers are being trained to fill the growth in skilled jobs. There is a great need, in particular, for trained electricians, to meet the rapid growth of wind, solar, and EVs. [Yale E360]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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