#8300 Prehearing Conference

(Second Waste Storage pad on Connecticut River)

In Re: Petition of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC, and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., for a certificate of public good authorizing the construction of a second independent spent fuel storage installation storage pad and related improvements, including installation of a new diesel generator with an electrical rating of approximately 200 kW, at the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in the Town of Vernon, Vermont

Public Service Board Hearing Room, Third Floor, People’s United Bank Building, 112 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Wednesday, July 30, 2014: 11:00 am

Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee application for a second Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) – otherwise know as an additional storage site for highly irradiated nuclear fuel waste.

Board Calendar http://psb.vermont.gov/event

The short URL of the present article is: https://necnp.org/8ulux