July 18 NEC Energy News

¶ “US EIA Projected The Future Of Electricity Generation In 2001. Why Were They So Wrong?” • Back in 2001, the US Energy Information Administration used its crystal ball and forecast the future of the US electricity supply through 2020. They forecast more coal, a small role for renewables, and steady growth in demand. So what went wrong? [CleanTechnica]

Upside-down image (Photoholgic, Unsplash)

¶ “Humanity Is On Track To Cause One Million Species To Go Extinct, According To UN Report” • According to a report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, a UN body, one million animal and plant species face extinction. And their problem is, ultimately, going to be humanity’s problem. [Salon]

¶ “Europe Battles Wildfires In Intense Heat” • Authorities across southern Europe battled on Sunday to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain, Greece, Portugal, and France. At least 1,000 deaths have been attributed to the heatwave in Portugal and Spain so far. Temperatures in Spain have reached as high as 45.7°C (114°F) [CNN]

¶ “UK Heatwave: Country May Have Hottest Day On Record With 41°C Forecast” • The UK could set a record for hottest day this week, with temperatures forecast to hit up to 41°C (106°F). The current record in the UK is 38.7°C, in Cambridge in 2019. The Met Office issued a red extreme heat warning for Monday and Tuesday in much of England. [BBC]

Heat wave (Lucian Dachman, Unsplash)

¶ “Solar Panel Recycling Is About To Become BIG Business!” • It used to be that solar PVs went to the landfill at the end of their life. But just as companies like Redwood Materials find they can recycle EV batteries and make money, some companies are seeing the opportunities that old solar panels represent and are pursuing ways do the same. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Sunrun Installs 700,000 Solar Roofs – How About 700,000 More For Ford F-150 Lightnings?” • Sunrun, the Number One rooftop solar installer in the US, just installed its 700,000th rooftop solar system. Now, Sunrun has partnered with Ford to combine solarizing homes with electrifying their transport via the Ford F-150 Lighting. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “New Economic Drivers Envisioned To Replace Palisades Nuclear Plant Loss” • Despite efforts to save Palisades under a $6 billion federal program to rescue old nuclear plants set to close, and Holtec’s willingness to entertain a potential buyer, no such proposals have come forward. So the community with the plant has to find new employers. [MiBiz]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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