June 21 NEC Energy News

¶ “Ameren Missouri Plans Solar Farms That Can Power 95,000 Homes” • Ameren Missouri announced plans to open four solar farms by 2026, sufficient to power a total of 95,000 homes. The investor-owned power utility, which serves St Louis and eastern Missouri, said it would build or purchase the solar farms, with a total capacity of 550 MW. [Missouri Independent]

Solar farm (Photo courtesy of Ameren Missouri)

¶ “Russians Mine Zaporizhzhia NPP Cooler, Threat Of Explosion Exists – Budanov” • Russian occupation forces mined the cooling system at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. If the mines are blown up, there is a good chance of “significant problems,” said Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov. [Ukrainian News Agency]

¶ “Wind Speeds Will Make Or Break The State Power Grid This Summer” • ERCOT, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, says Texas could see a maximum power demands of 83,412 MW this summer. It may only have 65,091 MW available from natural gas, nuclear, and coal plants. To make up the difference, Texas will have to rely heavily on windpower. [KENS 5]

¶ “The North Atlantic Is Experiencing A ‘Totally Unprecedented’ Marine Heat Wave” • Temperatures in parts of the North Atlantic Ocean are soaring off the charts. Parts of the North Sea are in a a category 4 marine heat wave – defined as “extreme” – according to NOAA. In some areas, water temperatures are up to 5°C (9°F) hotter than usual. [CNN]

Temperature anomalies (Climate Change Institute, University of Maine)

¶ “Fossil Fuels Are “Incompatible With Human Survival,” Says UN Secretary General” • World leaders and their representatives are preparing for COP 28, which will take place in Dubai from November 20 until December 12. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has been monitoring those preparations and is less than pleased with what he has seen so far. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “These States Fine People For Owning Electric Cars” • Some states are requiring EV owners to pay extra registration fees as part of a move to recoup lost revenue on gas taxes. In one state, a new senate bill requiring added costs for EV registration is set to become effective on September 1, and 32 other states feature similar fees. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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