June 23 NEC Energy News

¶ “Could Germany Keep Its Nuclear Plants Running?” • As Germany seeks to fuel its economy and ward off a recession considered likely if faltering Russian gas supplies stop entirely, some are calling for nuclear plants to stay open. Utilities say constraints in sourcing fuel rods and expert staffing make that impossible. [The Indian Express]

German nuclear plant (Felix KönigCC-BY-SA 3.0, cropped)

¶ “NASA Selects Three Fission Reactor Concepts For Lunar Demonstration” • NASA and the US DOE have selected three design proposals for a nuclear fission surface power system that will be ready to launch by the end of the decade. The technology can help power vehicles and equipment for the Artemis program on the Moon. [News9 Live]

¶ “Solar Power Plants Are More Missile Resistant” • Probably all of us have seen them the images of death and destruction in Ukraine. Every one has been heart rending. But, there’s one interesting piece of good news that came out of the country recently. It is the proof that it’s pretty difficult to take out a solar power plant. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Millions Affected As Deadly Floods Hit India And Bangladesh” • The South Asian nations of India and Bangladesh, home to more than 1.3 billion people, have been particularly badly hit by the rains, prompting some of the worst flooding in the region in years. Extreme weather events are increasingly frequent due to climate change. [CNN]

Children in Bangladesh (Nayeem Is J PreenonCC-BY-SA 4.0)

¶ “Europe Told To Prepare For Russia Turning Off Gas” • The head of the International Energy Agency has warned that Russia may stop supplying gas to Europe this winter. Fatih Birol says he believes a complete shutdown is not the most likely scenario, but Europe needs to develop contingency plans. Russia is already supplying less gas than expected. [BBC]

¶ “Historic Extension Of EU’s Carbon Market Gets Green Light From Parliament” • The EU Parliament has voted in favor of extending its carbon market to shipping and road transport, two weeks after it also voted on expanding coverage to all departing flights from the EU. After a ten-year fight, big shipping polluters will finally be made to pay. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Brightdrop Delivers 150 Electric Vans To FedEx” • FedEx and Brightdrop announced that the first 150 Zevo 600 electric vans have been delivered to facilities around southern California. This would make for one of the biggest deployments of electric vans to date. It’s also the fastest GM has brought a vehicle from design to market in its history. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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