May 24 NEC Energy News

¶ “Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Faces Blackout Threat” • Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is facing a blackout threat once again. An external overhead line has been disconnected, according to the Energoatom Telegram channel. Right now, the only source of electricity for the Russian-held nuclear plant is Ukrainian. [MSN]

Zaporizhzhia plant (IAEA ImagebankCC-BY-SA 2.0, cropped)

¶ “Seabird Study Shows How They Might One Day Share The Air With Offshore Wind Turbines” • Researchers from the US DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and from H T Harvey & Associates published results from a study to find out how high seabirds fly and whether they might interact with wind turbines in Frontiers in Marine Energy. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Atlantic Shores 1 And 2 Seal FEIS” • Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind has announced the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has released its Final Environmental Impact Statement for the 2,800-MW Atlantic Shores Project 1 and 2, off the coast of New Jersey. The schemes are a 50:50 partnership between Shell and EDF Renewables. [reNews]

¶ “NOAA Predicts Record Hurricane Season For 2024” • NOAA’s forecast of the upcoming hurricane season says all categories of storms are expected to exceed the typical number seen every year. Warming of the surface ocean temperatures from human-induced climate change is likely fueling more powerful tropical cyclones and extreme precipitation. [ABC News]

Hurricane (Mike Trenchard, NASA, public domain)

¶ “Democrats Urge DOJ Investigation Of Fossil Fuel Companies” • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Representative Jamie Raskin have sent a joint letter to the US Attorney General urging the Department of Justice to initiate an investigation into the fossil fuel industry, which they claim has been committing illegal acts for decades. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Phil Scott Vetoes Vermont Lawmakers’ Priority Energy Bill” • Gov Phil Scott vetoed a bill that would require Vermont utilities to buy more renewable energy at a faster pace, with most utilities purchasing all of their energy from renewable sources by 2030. Scott supports an alternate plan, which includes increasing the state’s dependence on nuclear power. [VTDigger]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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