May 27 NEC Energy News

¶ “Australia’s Low Cost Solar PV Goal Could Change Everything About The Grid” • The CSIRO GenCost report published last week has sparked a new polemic about the cost of generating technologies, with the critics in the nuclear camp not liking the country’s main scientific research agency stating that nuclear is really expensive. [RenewEconomy]

Solar parking shade (Flicker02CC-BY-SA 4.0)

¶ “Moving Nuclear Waste Through Traditional Territories Could Face Opposition, Ontario First Nation Says” • A First Nation in southwestern Ontario says even if the community votes yes for a $26 billion nuclear waste dump within their traditional territory, it would likely be opposed by other First Nations, through whose territories millions of spent fuel rods would pass. [CBC]

¶ “44% Plugin Vehicle Market Share In China – April 2024 Sales Report” • Plugin vehicles are all the rage in the Chinese auto market, with plugins scoring 703,000 sales in a 1.6-million-unit overall market. That’s up 27% year over year. Plugin vehicles hit 44% market share! Full electrics battery EVs alone accounted for 26% of the country’s auto sales. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Twelve People Injured When Plane Hits Turbulence” • Twelve people were injured when a Qatar Airways plane flying from Doha to Dublin hit turbulence, airport authorities said. Some meteorologists note that reports of turbulence encounters have been increasing and point to the potential impacts that climate change may have on flying conditions. [ABC News]

Airplane (riikkearyCC-BY-SA 2.0)

¶ “Government Aims For 40% Of Primary Energy Mix To Come From Re Sources By 2035” • Malaysia aims to ensure that 40% of the country’s primary energy mix comes from renewable energy sources by 2035, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof. This would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10 million tonnes annually. [The Edge Malaysia]

¶ “Queensland Government Passes Renewable Energy Laws” • The Clean Economy Jobs Act 2024 and the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Act 2024 put Queensland at the center of a global energy transition. They set a target of 80% renewable energy generation in the state by 2035 and are expected to create over 100,000 jobs. [Energy Magazine]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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