November 8 NEC Energy News

¶ “France Electricity Prices Surge Past €1,000/MWh As More Nuclear Reactors Close For Winter” • Wholesale electricity prices in France for the middle of winter surged above €1,000/MWh ($1.00/kWh, wholesale), after EDF revealed more problems, and more outages at its reactors. EDF is the operator of the world’s biggest nuclear fleet. [Renew Economy]

Nuclear power plant (Frédéric Paulussen, Unsplash)

¶ “This Has Quickly Become The Key Issue At COP27 – And The Most Difficult To Resolve” • Some countries are fighting for a so-called “loss and damage” fund. The concept is that countries that have contributed the most to climate change with their planet-warming emissions should pay poorer countries to recover from the resulting disasters. [CNN]

¶ “Billionaires Emit A Million Times More Greenhouse Gases Than The Average Person, Study Finds” • A report published by the British-founded charity Oxfam found that the wealthiest individuals’ investments account for up to 70% of their emissions. Their carbon emissions are more than a million times higher than those of an average person. [CNN]

¶ “World Must Double Renewable Power Targets To Achieve Net Zero: IRENA” • The world needs to double its renewable power targets for 2030 to achieve net zero emissions, the International Renewable Energy Agency said. Countries aim to reach 5.4 TW of installed renewable capacity by the end of the decade, about half of the 10.8 TW required. [The National]

¶ “South Dakota Cures The Renewable Energy Blues” • The political knives are still out when the topic turns to climate change, but it looks like the energy transition is going to happen anyway. A case in point is the “red” state of South Dakota, which has now amassed enough renewable energy to fulfill its own electricity needs, and then some. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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