October 16 NEC Energy News
¶ “DolWin5 Platform Sets Sail For Europe” • The platform for the 900-MW DolWin5 offshore converter has left Seatrium’s shipyard in Singapore and is expected to arrive at the Aibel shipyard in Norway next. Mighty Servant 1 will sail around 13,000 nautical miles around the Cape of Good Hope and is expected to arrive in December. [reNews]

¶ “Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: Unlikely, Unaffordable, Dirty, And Dangerous” • A year ago, Gov Glenn Youngkin announced proposals for his new Virginia Energy Plan. He declared, “A growing Virginia must have reliable, affordable, and clean energy for Virginia’s families and businesses.” SMRs are none of those things. [Cardinal News]
¶ “MIT Design Would Harness 40% Of The Sun’s Heat To Make Clean Hydrogen” • In a study appearing in Solar Energy Journal, MIT engineers lay out the conceptual design for a system that can efficiently produce “solar thermochemical hydrogen.” The team estimates its new design could harness up to 40% of the sun’s heat to generate hydrogen. [MIT News]
¶ “Australian Startup Develops PV-Hydrogen Standalone Power System” • Boundary Power, a union of West Australian utility Horizon Power and Victorian electrical engineering company Ampcontrol, launched a standalone power system that uses solar power and a renewable hydrogen hydride battery to store and generate electricity as needed. [PV Magazine]

¶ “Fuel Cell Trucks Win Big In New $7 Billion US Hydrogen Plan” • Zero emission fuel cell trucks are big winners in the new Clean Energy Hydrogen Hubs competition, a $7 billion DOE program aimed at ramping up US H₂ production. About 95% of H₂ produced in the US comes from natural gas, and the program intends to cut costs of green sources. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Utilities Still Moving Way Too Slowly On Clean Energy” • Very few US utilities are taking the real-world actions they need to combat the worst harms of climate change, a Sierra Club report says. With the tens of billions of dollars in incentives for clean energy created by last year’s Inflation Reduction Act, they have even less excuse for delay. [Canary Media]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.