October 3 NEC Energy News
¶ “Fukushima Study Links Low-Dose Radiation To Diabetes” • Research to be presented at this year’s Annual Meeting of The European Association for the Study of Diabetes, suggests that exposure to low doses of radiation may contribute to increased risk of diabetes. It considered over 6,000 emergency workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. [Mirage News]

¶ “NorthStar’s Organization Denied License To Build Interim Storage” • Demolition of the Vermont Yankee nuclearplant is on schedule and within budget. But finding a resting place for the plant’s highly radioactive waste still in Vernon became uncertain when a federal court ruled that the NRC did not have authority to grant a critical permit. [Brattleboro Reformer]
¶ “Zambia Proposes Removing Customs Duty On Battery-Electric Vehicles And Charging Systems” • Good news from Zambia: Presenting the 2024 national budget, Hon Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, the Minister of Finance and National Planning, announced removing customs duties on battery EVs and their necessary accessories. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Orkney Offshore Project Files Consent Application” • The West of Orkney Windfarm submitted comprehensive offshore consent applications to Scottish Ministers for its proposed 2-GW offshore wind project, secured under ScotWind. The project will have up to 125 turbines on fixed foundations and aims to deliver first power in 2029. [reNews]

¶ “Enhanced Geothermal And Offshore Wind Energy Gain Earthshot™ Support” • To support DOE’s Energy Earthshots™, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will lead two Energy Earthshot Research Centers. These centers build upon PNNL’s expertise in the science underpinning geothermal energy and floating offshore wind energy. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Smart Electric Power Alliance Brings 25 Utility Companies Together To Pursue Lower Emissions” • 25 investor-owned and municipal utility companies, including some of the largest, have organized the Smart Electric Power Alliance, whose members pledge to cut their carbon emissions by 80% compared to 2005 levels no later than 2030. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Renewable Energy And Reducing Energy Waste Met 25% Of The State’s Electricity Needs Last Year” • Renewable energy and reducing energy waste met 25% of Michigan’s electricity needs last year, according to a report from the Michigan Public Service Commission. Renewable energy includes wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and landfill gas. [Michigan Radio]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.