October 6 NEC Energy News
¶ “Octopus Buys 1,000-MWh BESS Project To Back Renewable Energy PPAs In Queensland, Australia” • Octopus Investments Australia has acquired Blackstone BESS, a 500-MW, 1,000-MWh project in Queensland. Octopus said the BESS will be used for power purchase agreements for “firmed blocks of energy” from by windpower and solar PVs. [Energy-Storage.News]

¶ “New Mexico Signs Final Order To Renew Permit At US Nuclear Waste Repository” • New Mexico environmental regulators finalized a 10-year permit extension at the nation’s only underground nuclear waste repository. They say it will increase oversight and safeguards while prioritizing the cleanup of Cold War-era waste. [ABC News]
¶ “Wright Electric Targets 1,000 Wh/Kg Batteries For Electric Aircraft” • Wright Electric plans to make an electric airplane that can carry 100 paying passengers on short flights of an hour by 2027. In a press release , it said its focus has changed from fuel cells to lighter, more powerful batteries with a pack energy density of 1,000 Wh/kg. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Novel UK Spacecraft Maps Heat Variations Across Earth” • A novel UK satellite has returned its first pictures of heat variations across the surface of the Earth. HotSat-1 can trace hot and cold features as small as 3.5 meters. In the initial imagery, a Chicago train is observed moving through the night and the flame fronts of Canadian wildfires are mapped. [BBC]

¶ “Chile’s $2 Billion Energy Storage Boost” • Chile is on track to become the largest energy storage market in the Americas. The US expects to deploy 10 GW of energy storage by the end of 2023, but Chile’s energy storage ambitions and massive lithium supply have given it a pathway to becoming number one in the near future. [Oil Price]
¶ “Peak Energy Plans Sodium-Ion Grid-Scale Battery Storage Revolution” • Grid-scale storage batteries have been relying on lithium-ion batteries, Nickel Manganese Cobalt to begin with and Lithium Iron Phosphate more recently. Peak Energy believes it has the ability to make sodium-ion batteries that outperform both at half the cost. [CleanTechnica]
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