September 25 NRC Energy News

¶ “This Chart Shows How California Is Massively Extending Solar Use Into The Evening” • It’s truly stunning to see how much battery storage is already helping to integrate more solar power in The Golden State. Solar PVs have reached 20% of the California electricity supply, and much of that charges batteries during the day. [CleanTechnica]

Filled duck curve (IEA image)

¶ “Zelensky Sounds Nuclear Alarm At UN” • Russia is seeking to target three Ukrainian nuclear power plants, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky told the UN. He warned that, if Vladimir Putin was prepared to resort to such a move, “it means nothing you value matters to Moscow.” He did not specify which plants were under threat. [Newsweek]

¶ “Mysterious Magma In Extinct Volcanoes May Be Filled With Elements Needed To Power The Future” • A mysterious type of magma found within extinct volcanoes scattered around the world could contain an abundant supply of rare earth elements, which are crucial ingredients for EVs, wind turbines and other clean technologies, a report says. [CNN]

¶ “Sany Launches 8-MW Turbines For Europe” • At WindEnergy Hamburg, Chinese wind turbine maker Sany has launched two 8-MW onshore models designed for European wind conditions. According to Sany, the models are the 7.8-MW SI-17578, with a 175-meter rotor diameter, and the 8-MW SI-18580 model, with a 185-meter diameter. [reNews]

Sany turbines in China (Sany image)

¶ “Havfram To Install Waterkant Turbines” • Havfram, based in Oslo, has signed a contract with Luxcara for the transport and installation of turbines for the 270-MW Waterkant offshore wind farm in the German North Sea. The agreement covers the vessel charter for transport and the installation of sixteen 18.5-MW MingYang machines. [reNews]

¶ “New York Joins GOWA” • During New York Climate Week, the State of New York announced it has joined the Global Offshore Wind Alliance. GOWA includes governments, international organizations and private sector companies committed to expanding offshore wind capacity globally and driving the transition to a clean energy future. [reNews]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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