September 27 NEC Energy News

¶ “MidAmerican Announces Renewable Energy Milestone” • According to a news release, MidAmerican Energy delivered 100% renewable energy to serve its Iowa customers’ electricity usage in 2022. MidAmerican’s Iowa wind fleet generated more than 27,000 GWh, which it delivered to its Iowa customers at very low rates. [Storm Lake Radio]

Wind farm in Iowa (Drew Hays, Unsplash)

¶ “JEA Is Proposing A Rate Hike And Multi-Billion Dollar Debt Ceiling” • In Jacksonville, Florida, utility JEA is proposing a rate increase in 2024 as part of its efforts to offset nearly $5 billion in costs associated with the Plant Vogtle nuclear power plant in Southeast Georgia. The rate increase would be the third in the last three years. [Action News Jax]

¶ “‘Not Nearly Enough’ IEA Says Fossil Fuel Demand Will Peak Soon But Urges Faster Action” • Global demand for oil, natural gas, and coal is likely to peak by 2030. It is an “encouraging” development but “not nearly enough” to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C, according to the International Energy Agency. [CNN]

¶ “The Goats Fighting Fires In Los Angeles” • Factors such as hotter, drier conditions due to climate change are key drivers in increasing the risk and severity of the fires, research shows. But land management can play an important role, as the build-up of dead trees and dry shrubs creates dangerous fuel that can lead to big, severe fires. Goats can help with that. [BBC]

Goats at work (City of West Sacramento)

¶ “Louisiana’s Saltwater Problem Shows Us How Climate Change Can Have Complex, Unanticipated Consequences” • Southern Louisiana is having some serious problems with water that are only going to get worse in the coming weeks. Salty water from the ocean is finding its way up the Mississippi River, and it is polluting drinking water. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “US Energy Storage Capacity Additions Rise 161% In Q2, Set New Record” • The US energy storage industry added 1,680 MW, 5,597 MWh in the second quarter of 2023, marking the strongest quarter on record and reversing two straight quarters of stalled growth, said a report by Wood Mackenzie and the American Clean Power Association. [Utility Dive]

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