January 15 NEC Energy News
¶ “Another Year, Another Record In Denmark’s Renewable Energy Progress” • In the past 40 years, Denmark has integrated 7 GW of wind and PV solar capacity into the electric grid. The fresh numbers from 2022 show that the country’s electricity needs are now covered by 60% renewables. In 8 years, that figure will quadruple. Yes, that’s 240%! [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Japan’s Unilateral Radioactive Wastewater Discharge Harmful And Irresponsible: Green Activist” • Japan’s push to discharge radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the ocean is irresponsible and harmful, as Japan is pursuing it without consultations with neighboring countries, a South Korean green activist said. [Xinhua]
¶ “Nearly One Billion Served By Healthcare Facilities Without Reliable Electricity” • Although electricity is critical to healthcare provision, nearly a billion people in poorer countries are served by health facilities that lack reliable supply, according to a newly published report backed by the UN. That is one out of every eight people, globally. [UN News]
¶ “Electrifying Everything Is A Critical Pathway To Decarbonize The World And Our Lives” • A number of organizations, such as the World Bank, have developed “pathways” or “pillars” for reaching net zero emissions globally by 2050. The core strategies are remarkably consistent, and one critically important pathway is electrifying everything. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Why Michigan Is Trying To Shut Down Canada’s Enbridge Line 5 Pipeline” • Michigan commissioned an independent risk analysis of the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline. It says an oil spill could cost almost $2 billion in damages. Also, any pipeline accident in the Straits of Mackinac could “represent a point of no return for species loss.” [BBC]
¶ “Four Upper Valley Communities Poised For Power-Pooling Plan” • Four Upper Valley communities are poised to be in the initial group of local governments receiving their electricity from the nonprofit Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire. It is to pool the buying power of the municipalities of Lebanon, Hanover, Enfield, and Plainfield. [Valley News]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.