May 20 NEC Energy News

¶ “The Future Of Wind Energy In The US Is Floating Turbines As Tall As 30 Rockefeller Plaza” • The first, full-sized floating offshore wind turbine in the US will tower 850 feet above the waves in the Gulf of Maine. The 15-MW turbine will be 20 miles south of Maine’s tiny Monhegan Island by the end of the decade, the first of ten turbines in an array. [CNN]

Monhegan Island (, CC0)

¶ “New UK Sanctions On Russian Energy To Include Rosatom And Nuclear Energy” • The UK has announced a new wave of sanctions against Russia, as the G7 Summit begins in Japan this weekend. The sanctions will also affect companies connected to Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom, which supplies 20% of Russia’s energy. [Power Technology]

¶ “Sunak To Urge G7 Support For Collective Action Against ‘Economic Coercion’” • The UK and other G7 countries are planning collective action against Russia and China if they threaten trade boycotts for political reasons. A new body will deal with “economic coercion,” to be an early warning system and formulate where G7 action is needed. [The Guardian]

¶ “Capping Oil & Gas Wells In Texas Could Create Tens Of Thousands Of Jobs” • A study from the University of Texas finds that regulating methane pollution from oil and gas sites in Texas could create up to 35,000 jobs. Texas is the top state for methane pollution, and its Permian Basin is one of the largest oil and gas producing regions in the world. [CleanTechnica]

Oil well (Pixabay, Pexels, cropped)

¶ “Clean Cars Could Yield $95 Billion In Benefits In Colorado” • A report finds that the total benefits for Colorado would be as much as $95 billion in 2050 from public health and climate improvements, savings to drivers of zero emissions vehicles, and utility customer savings, under a Colorado Clean Cars program, if adopted through 2035. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Village Waits For Green Light On Green Energy” • The village of Saranac Lake, New York, is preparing to enter the last step in a process that would give local electric customers the chance to support renewable energies through their monthly bill. Saranac Lake is waiting on the electric rate to dip low enough to lock in a better rate. [Adirondack Daily Enterprise]

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