August 25 NEC Energy News

¶ “My Descent Into A Nuclear Waste Grave” • Erika Benke wrote of her experience of Onkalo, where Finland will begin depositing spent nuclear fuel underground in a few years. Onkalo, which lies 450 m (1,480 ft) below the Earth’s surface, is made  up of tunnels hewn in living rock to store highly radioactive waste for 100,000 years. [BBC]

Onkalo Deep Repository (Posiva.fiCC-BY-SA 4.0)

¶ “Houston Issues Mandatory Water Restrictions Due To Intense Heat, Worsening Drought” • Faced with a fast-spreading, extreme drought and blistering heat, Houston public officials announced that outdoor water restrictions are now mandatory across the city as water pressure drops. Scientists say heat and drought are both linked to climate change. [CNN]

¶ “Maui County Sues The Utility Hawaiian Electric Over Wildfire Negligence” • Maui County is suing Hawaiian Electric, saying it failed to turn off electric equipment before wildfires started on the island. If power lines had been switched off for exceptionally high winds and dry conditions, the destruction could have been avoided, the lawsuit said. [BBC]

¶ “Huge Colonies Of Emperor Penguins Saw No Chicks Survive Last Year As Sea Ice Disappears” • In the Bellingshausen Sea, four out of five emperor penguin colonies analyzed saw no chicks at all survive last year as the area experienced an enormous loss of sea ice, according to a study in the journal Nature Communications Earth & Environment. [CNN]

Penguins (Michael Van Woert, NOAA NESDIS, ORA)

¶ “Republican Debate: What They Said (And Didn’t Say) About Climate” • One of the Republican debate’s most illuminating moments came 20 minutes in. The reaction to it was swift and – among some young people and scientists – angry. Nikki Haley was the only candidate who said climate change was real, in the short discussion on the subject. [BBC]

¶ “El Niño Means An Even Floodier Future Is On The Coastal Horizon” • High-tide flooding in the US, which is measured by NOAA tide gauges that continuously record surrounding water levels, occurs nearly three times as often today as it did in 2000, and the frequency is accelerating along most Atlantic and Gulf Coast locations. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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