July 8 NEC Energy News

¶ “Wind And Solar Produce More Electricity Than Nuclear For The First Time In The US” • In April, for the first time, wind and solar produced 17.96% of the US electricity. They generated more electricity than the US nuclear power plants. Renewable sources generated nearly 30% of US electricity, according to the SUN DAY Campaign. [Electrek]

Solar array (American Public Power Association, Unsplash)

¶ “Seaweed Diet Cuts Cow Methane Emissions 90% To 95%” • A seaweed, asparagopsis, can cut the methane emissions of cows by up to 95%, and authorities have approved it as a feed additive. CH4, a global company based in South Australia, announced that it made the first global sale of asparagopsis to CirPro, a South Australian meat processor. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Price Of Offshore Wind Power Falls To Cheapest Ever Level In UK” • The price of offshore wind power in the UK has fallen to an all-time low, which could ease the pressure on future household energy bills. Offshore windfarm operators will sell power for as little as £37.35/MWh ($45.02/MWh), 5.8% below the lowest bid in the most recent auction in 2019. [The Guardian]

¶ “Volkswagen Starts Construction On First Of Six Battery Factories” • Volkswagen Group is pushing forward aggressively into the electric car future. It has committed to an investment of $20 billion between now and 2030 to create a new company called PowerCo. This week, it broke ground on the first of six new European battery factories. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Germany Approves Largest Renewable Energy Expansion Plan In History” • In a bid to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reach climate targets, Germany approved what is seen as the largest renewable energy expansion in its history, with the legal package passing the parliament. The plan is for 80% renewable electricity by 2030. [Renewable Energy Magazine]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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