December 21 NEC Energy News
¶ “Montana Supreme Court Rules That The State Constitution Means What It Says” • In the 2023 session of the Montana legislature, Republicans passed new laws that attempted to limit the effect of a section of the state’s constitution protecting the environment. A group of young plaintiffs sued, claiming the law was unconstitutional. They won. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “France Powers Up: Flamanville 3 Joins Nuclear Grid After 25 Years” • The Flamanville 3 nuclear reactor has finally been connected to France’s power grid after 12 years of delays and a ballooned budget reaching €13 billion. This is the first reactor added in 25 years, providing 1.6 GW, comes during a decline in domestic power consumption. [Devdiscourse]
¶ “All Companies In Italy Must Now Purchase Climate Insurance” • It will be a whole new business atmosphere in Italy starting on January 1, 2025. That’s because the federal government there will require every company in the country to buy climate insurance for internal support to offset losses from floods, landslides, and other natural hazards. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “Nordlicht 1 Secures Planning Approval” • Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency granted planning approval for Vattenfall’s 1-GW Nordlicht 1 offshore wind farm. The project is in the west of Germany’s exclusive economic zone. It will have 68 15-MW turbines and will be the largest offshore wind farm in German waters. [reNews]

¶ “Connecticut Omits Offshore In Latest Procurement” • The state of Connecticut has opted not to acquire any capacity from offshore wind projects in its latest round of renewable energy procurement. Its Department of Energy and Environmental Protection did acquire 518 MW of solar generation and 200 MW of electric storage capacity. [reNews]
¶ “PUCN Approves Nevada Energy Plans To Add More Solar Power And Battery Storage” • The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada approved an NV Energy plan to add more than 1,000 MW of solar power and 1,000 MW of battery storage in Nevada. The PUCN says that the energy company’s plan will meet the growing energy demands of Nevada. [KOLO]
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