September 19 NEC Energy News

¶ “World Now Has Five Times More PV Than Nuclear Capacity” • The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2024, overseen by nuclear consultant Mycle Schneider, shows that global operating PV capacity exceeds by almost five times that of nuclear energy. The number of operating nuclear units stands at 408, one more than a year ago. [pv magazine International]

Rooftop solar power (Watt A Lot, Unsplash)

¶ “FPL’s Turkey Point Nuclear Plant’s Units 3 And 4 Licenses extended” • The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission extended the licenses of Units 3 and 4 of the Florida Power & Light Company’s Turkey Point nuclear power plant. The renewal extends the operational lifespan of Units 3 and 4 until 2052 and 2053, respectively. [Power Technology]

¶ “TEPCO Again Halts Work To Collect Melted Nuclear Fuel” • Once again, TEPCO has been forced to halt its project to collect nuclear fuel debris at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. TEPCO could not confirm camera images of equipment used to remove the debris from the Number 2 reactor, bringing a stop to the project, the utility said. [Asahi Shimbun]

¶ “Firefighters Nearing Victory In Battle Against Three Massive Wildfires Near Los Angeles” • More than 8,000 Firefighters are nearing victory in the battles against the Airport, Bridge, and Line wildfires near Los Angeles. Combined, the three wildfires have burned over 117,000 acres, destroyed nearly 200 structures, and injured 23 people. [ABC News]

Bridge Fire (Angeles National Forest, public domain)

¶ “Japan Launches World’s First Steady-State Nuclear Fusion Reactor” • Tokyo-based Helical Fusion is set to launch a first-of-its-kind steady-state nuclear fusion reactor, according to a report from Interesting Engineering. It is considered a “pilot” reactor, but if it succeeds, the project could have major implications for the future of clean energy. [The Cool Down]

¶ “UK Gas-Fired Power Plant Usage At Lowest Since 2017” • In the UK, gas-fired power plants are operating at their lowest levels since 2017. Analysis by shows that less than half of all combined cycle gas turbine capacity is in use during peak profit hours. CCGT capacity, designed for baseload power, struggles to compete as renewables grow. [Energy Live News]

¶ “Biden Team Sprinting To Disburse Climate Solutions And Infrastructure Funding” • Overall, the policies of President Joe Biden and the Democrats have already spurred unprecedented resurgence in US manufacturing jobs, an exceptional economic boom, and the greatest climate investments in US history. And more is coming. [CleanTechnica]

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