November 23 NEC Energy News
¶ “Solar Has Been Quietly Running Up The Score During The Delayed Vogtle 3 And 4 Construction” • During the construction of the Vogtle nuclear units 3 and 4, more than 4,500 MW of solar was built in the state of Georgia. That’s double the peak capacity that those nukes will bring online, and at 1/5 the cost. Let’s look into this. [Southern Alliance for Clean Energy]

¶ “Giant Batteries Are Winning The Race Against Gas-Fired Power” • The longterm economics of gasfired generating plants are changing quickly. Giant batteries that ensure stable power supply by offsetting intermittent renewable supplies are getting cheap enough to make developers abandon scores of projects for gasfired generation worldwide. [Energy Central]
¶ “Inflation Reduction Act Drives $92 Billion Investment In EV Production, 84,000 Jobs In USA” • The Inflation Reduction Act has been an enormous stimulus for the EV sector in the US. It is underrated and under-acknowledged for how it has brought manufacturing and mining jobs to the US, not to mention the many jobs it has retained. [CleanTechnica] (This might need reloading 2 or 3 times)
¶ “Peru Has Lost More Than Half Of Its Glacier Surface” • Peru lost more than half of its glacier surface over the last six decades, and 175 glaciers became extinct due to climate change between 2016 and 2020, said scientists from the state agency that studies glaciers. Peru’s glaciers cover only 44% of the land they did when the first inventory was done in 1962. [ABC News]

¶ “US Gas Prices Down As Gasoline Demand Down” • The US Energy Information Administration reports that gas prices in the US are down 10% compared to the same time last year. Or, taking inflation into account, they are actually down 13%! This is despite an expected 2% increase in miles expected to be traveled during Thanksgiving weekend. [CleanTechnica] (This might need reloading 2 or 3 times)
¶ “Burlington Approves New Carbon Fee And Creates New Fund For Clean Energy Projects” • The Burlington City Council voted to charge developers a fee for installing new fossil fuel heating systems in new buildings and some existing buildings, despite opposition from some environmentalists who say the measure isn’t green enough. [VTDigger]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.