May 3 NEC Energy News
¶ “Rising Sea Temps Are Pushing Oceans Beyond The Level Of Habitability” • According to the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment, the Gulf of Maine is nourished by cold ocean waters with a complex system of deep basins and shallow banks. It has produced an abundance of seafood. But higher temperatures threaten change. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “UK Government Gives Up On Imposing Nuclear Energy On Scotland” • A UK energy minister has given up hope on imposing new nuclear energy developments on the Scottish Government, saying his government has given up trying to roll out its new fleet of nuclear reactors in Scotland. He accused the SNP and Greens of holding a “Luddite mentality.” [The Herald]
¶ “Hundreds Of Hazardous Sites In California Are At Risk Of Flooding As Sea Level Rises, New Study Finds” • Hundreds of hazardous industrial sites that dot the California coastline – including oil and gas refineries and sewage-treatment plants – are at risk of severe flooding from rising sea level if the climate crisis worsens, research shows. [CNN]
¶ “Shell Aims To Harness The Power Of The Lower Mississippi” • ORPC, a renewable energy developer whose power systems harness the energy of free-flowing rivers and tides, signed a contract with Shell Technology – Marine Renewable Program for a Modular RivGen Power System demonstration project in the Lower Mississippi River. [Marine Technology News]

¶ “California’s New Diesel Emissions Reduction Rules For Trucks And Trains” • California decided the curse of the diesel engine’s pollution more than offsets the engine’s advantages. The state’s Air Resources Board unanimously approved new rules that will require the trucking and railroad industries to reduce diesel engine pollution dramatically. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “TVA Turns To The Sun For More Power” • To be carbon free within the next three decades, the Tennessee Valley Authority plans to add at least 10,000 MW of solar-power capacity, and many of the 153 local power companies that buy wholesale power from TVA also are planning their own smaller solar projects in the Tennessee Valley. [Chattanooga Times Free Press]
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