February 11 NEC Energy News

¶ “UK Largest Renewable Energy Supplier Building Longview Plant Along Columbia River” • Drax, the self-described largest power station in the UK, is building a plant along the Columbia River in Longview, Washington, to harvest wood pellets for Asia to generate power. Drax aims to use Pacific Northwest forests to replace coal overseas. [Longview Daily News]

Forest at the Columbia River (Elena Kuchko, Unsplash)

¶ “France’s EDF Shuts Down Two Nuclear Reactors After Fire At Chinon Plant” • Nuclear energy operator EDF has shut down two reactors in western France after a fire in a non-nuclear sector of the plant, the company said. France’s nuclear safety watchdog said the fire had led to an electricity outage that triggered the automatic shutdown. [MSN]

¶ “How California’s Hurricanes Are Predicted To Become More Severe With Climate Change” • Most of the rain in California and the West comes from atmospheric rivers. Scientists estimate that atmospheric rivers will get stronger as temperatures continue to rise, making this a bigger problem. dominant driver water supply and flooding in California. [World Nation News]

¶ “Olivine: Natural Solution To Combat Climate Change” • Sahit Muja, the Founder and CEO of Global Mining, Green Minerals, and Albanian Minerals, emphasizes magnesium olivine’s role as an eco-friendly building block poised to eliminate 1 trillion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere. It could be a natural solution to climate change challenges. [EIN News]

Olivine (Hannes Grobe, AWICC-BY-SA 2.5)

¶ “Govt Weighs The Use Of Green Hydrogen For Peak Power Generation” • India’s Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy proposed using green hydrogen for power generation to ensure round-the-clock availability of green power and ensure peak grid power supply. A plan for a 100-MW pilot project is already under way. [domain-b.com]

¶ “Transforming The US Steel Industry: A Great Lakes Memo Series” • The Great Lakes, from Minnesota to Pennsylvania, are a regional powerhouse of steel-making. The region has 60% of all steel production capacity in the US and 100% of coal-based steel production. RMI has produced a series of state-specific memos on reducing emissions. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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