February 1 NEC Energy News
¶ “Study Doubles EU Wind Power Potential” • The report found “substantially higher onshore wind potential” in Europe, as some countries’ potential doubles. France and Spain could generate enough electricity equivalent to the EU’s projected 2050 demand of around 4,000 TWh, the modelling by the bloc’s researchers at the JRC found. [Euractiv]

¶ “Lawmakers Say No To Storing Nuclear Waste In Wyoming” • Despite growing support for nuclear energy nationally and in Wyoming in particular, there are simply too many concerns to entertain the possibility of opening the state to the country’s growing stockpile of spent nuclear fuel waste, a number of state lawmakers say. [Cap City News]
¶ “Nigeria Seeks $1.1 Billion To Power Rural Communities With Renewable Mini-Grids” • Nigeria’s Federal Government is looking for $1.1 billion in funding to build renewable energy mini-grids. This ambitious project aims to bring electricity to underserved communities, a lifeline for many who have been living in darkness. [Okay.ng]
¶ “First Major Components Arrive For 105-MW Wind Farm” • The first major components for the 105-MW Fasikan wind farm in Sweden have arrived at Sundsvall Harbor. Construction work at the wind farm project has been ongoing since last year. Arise, the construction manager, said the delivery of the components marked “a key milestone.” [reNews]

¶ “USDA Orders Removal Of Climate Change Mentions From Public Websites” • The US Department of Agriculture directed agency officials to remove content related to climate change from its public websites, say internal emails obtained by ABC News. Web managers are to identify, archive, or excise materials mentioning climate change. [ABC News]
¶ “US Offshore Wind Developer Set To Fight Trump” • Atlantic Shores began life as a 50-50 joint venture of EDF and Shell. Now Shell has dropped out. But EDF intends to forge ahead with 2.8 GW of offshore wind energy in New Jersey. And it may have the resources to wage a battle over the legal authority of Trump’s offshore wind shutdown. [CleanTechnica]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.