March 16 NEC Energy News
¶ “Chancellor Unveils Nuclear And Carbon Capture Incentives” • The UK Chancellor has announced funding for carbon capture, usage, and storage and nuclear power plants in a Spring Budget devoid of new incentives for wind and solar projects. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt unveiled up to £20 billion to develop what he calls “another plank of our green economy.” [reNews]

¶ “UK Budget: Why Chancellor Jeremy Hunt Is Dead Wrong About Nuclear Power – Dr Richard Dixon” • The nuclear industry and their friends are stepping up their propaganda war but their terrible track record shows that new reactors are still not the answer to either reducing emissions or supplying affordable power. [MSN]
¶ “Japan Regulator Bypasses Experts In Declaring Faults Under Nuclear Plant Not Active” • Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority approved an electric power company’s claim that faults running just below a nuclear plant are “not active,” without seeking to consult a group of experts who indicated the possibility of the faults being active in 2016. [The Mainichi]
¶ “Renewables Surge, Yet Carbon Emissions Hit Record. What Gives?” • The world’s emissions of heat-trapping CO₂ rose to record levels last year, according to an International Energy Agency report, but renewable energy sources continued their exponential growth. Some analysts believe that the world’s fossil fuel demand has peaked. [Christian Science Monitor]

¶ “Honda And Volkswagen Accelerate EV Plans” • Honda and Volkswagen both announced plans to ramp up their conversion to electric vehicles. Honda is moving production around to clear factory space for its forthcoming EVs, while Volkswagen says it is committed to investing more than $193 billion worldwide over the next several years. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “EPA Finalizes Rule To Cut Down On Harmful Smog And Pollution From Power Plants” • The EPA has finalized what is called its good-neighbor rule, which aims to cut down on smog and NOₓ pollution from coal-fired power plants and industrial facilities. A rule to reduce CO₂ pollution from coal and natural gas-fired power plants is expected soon. [CNN]
¶ “Biden-Harris Administration Announces $750 Million To Advance Clean Hydrogen Technologies” • The Biden-Harris Administration, through the DOE, announced the availability of $750 million for research, development, and demonstration efforts to reduce the cost of clean hydrogen. Long-term energy storage is one use of hydrogen. [Department of Energy]
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