July 29 NEC Energy News

¶ “Kentucky Hit With Deadly Flooding Following Second 1,000-Year Rain Event In Three Days” • For the second time in a week, parts of Kentucky hit by extreme rainfall that caused deadly flash flooding. Several inches of rain in the eastern part of the state turned towns into raging rivers that swept away homes and the people who lived in them. [AOL]

Mountain Rescue operating in 2015 (Richard Scott, CC-BY-SA 2.0)

¶ “Clean Energy Package Would Be Biggest Legislative Climate Investment In US History” • Senator Joe Manchin’s stunning reversal on a clean energy package has suddenly put Democrats in a position to pass the largest climate investment in US history. It will be by far the biggest legislative win for the environmental movement since the Clean Air Act. [CNN]

¶ “Tesla, GM Buyers Would Get EV Tax Credits Again Under Democrats’ Climate Bill” • Automakers like Tesla and General Motors would regain the ability to offer federal tax credits to customers who buy their EVs, under the new green energy bill. The proposed legislation would remove the 200,000 vehicle-per-manufacturer cap for EV incentives. [CNN]

¶ “Senate Climate Deal Includes Incentives For Renewables, Hydrogen, Nuclear” • The climate bill includes nearly $370 million on energy and climate change initiatives, with $60 billion for tax credits for clean energy manufacturing and a $30 billion production tax credit for wind and solar. It also supports storage, hydrogen, and nuclear power. [Power Engineering]

¶ “China Electric Car Market – 28% Share Of Auto Sales In June!” • Plugin vehicles continue to be all the rage in the Chinese auto market. Plugins got back into the fast lane, growing 132% year over year. They scored over 565,000 registrations in June, a new record. Plugin hybrids grew faster, at 179% year over year. Battery EVs grew 121%. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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