October 13 NEC Energy News

¶ “Brazil Set To Widen Lead As Cleanest Major Power Sector: Maguire” • Brazil generated nearly 93% of its electricity from clean sources during the first nine months of 2023, up from 91% in the same period of 2022. Brazil passed France as the largest clean-power share (including nuclear) among the world’s major economies. [Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide]

Wind turbines in Brazil (Amanda Bampi TeglerCC-BY-SA 3.0)

¶ “Bloc Quebécois Stands With The Algonquin Nation Against A Proposed Nuclear Waste Site” • The Bloc Québécois supports Algonquin First Nations opposition to a proposed nuclear waste site near the Ottawa River, a culturally important river and harvesting site for First Nations. The waste site is to be developed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. [National Observer]

¶ “Volvo Cars, Ford, Renault Group, IKEA, Others To Climate Commissioner: Electrify Corporate Fleets By 2030” • EU Climate Commissioner Šefčovič said the European Commission will launch a public consultation for an action to speed electrification of corporate fleets by 2030.” Over 40 organisations called on him to deliver on his promise. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Stockholm To Ban Gasoline And Diesel Cars From Downtown Commercial Area In 2025” • A ban on gasoline and diesel-fueled cars from a commercial district of Stockholm’s downtown in 2025 will be the first for a European capital, a city official said. The ban will take effect in a 20-block area of shops, pedestrian walkways, and a few homes. [ABC News]

Stockholm (Alexandre Van Thuan, Unsplash, cropped)

¶ “Germany Accelerates Onshore Windpower Expansion” • Germany is accelerating the expansion of onshore wind power. Newly installed capacity in the first nine months of 2023 already surpassed last year’s total by more than 50%, with the total coming to 2,436 MW, according to estimates published by the Onshore Wind Energy Agency. [Xinhua]

¶ “Rural Solar Opponents About To Face Tsunami Of PV” • An organized movement against rural solar development has been rising across the US, partly fueled by fossil energy stakeholders. Now solar developers are pushing back, in a powerful alliance with conservationists, tribal groups, agriculture stakeholders, utilities, and others. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Tesla Model 3 And Model Y Now Cost Less Than Gasoline-Powered Equivalents” • For years, we have been hearing an old refrain about how EVs like Teslas cost so much more than cars powered by gasoline engines that only the wealthy can afford them. Many had the attitude, “Call me when EVs are affordable.” Well, now the call has arrived. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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