May 4 NEC Energy News
¶ “RWE Turns Sod On Thor Onshore Substation” • RWE has started building the onshore substation for its 1GW Danish offshore wind farm Thor. The onshore substation will be built in the municipality of Lemvig. RWE will build Thor offshore wind farm in the Danish part of the North Sea, approximately 22 km off the coast of Thorsminde. [reNews]

¶ “Indo-Pacific Corals Found To Be More Resilient To Climate Change Than Atlantic Corals” • In the face of global warming and other environmental changes, corals in the Atlantic Ocean have declined precipitously in recent years, while corals in the Pacific and Indian Oceans are faring better. An international team led by Penn State examined the reasons why. []
¶ “Ford Mustang Mach-E Now Has More Range And Lower Prices” • Ford announced that it is granting EV enthusiasts their wishes for longer range and lower costs. Ford had stopped accepting orders for the Mustang Mach-E until it could fill more of its existing orders. Now it says it is ready to open the order books once again. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “INEOS Running All Norwegian Plastics Plants On Renewable Energy” • Europe’s third largest polyolefins producer, INEOS Olefins & Polymer, will run all its plants in Norway on renewable energy. INEOS signed a renewable power purchase agreement with Skagerak Energitjenester to provide 100% green energy to two operations. [Power Engineering International]
¶ “New York Becomes The First State To Ban Natural Gas Stoves And Furnaces In Most New Buildings” • New York is the first state in the country to ban natural gas and other fossil fuels in most new buildings – a major win for climate advocates, but a move that could spark pushback from fossil fuel interests. The law was push by climate-minded voters. [CNN]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.