October 18 NEC Energy News

¶ “World May Have Crossed Solar Power ‘Tipping Point’” • The world may have crossed a “tipping point” to make solar power our main source of energy. A study, based on a data-based model of technology and economics, finds that solar PVs are likely to become the dominant power source before 2050, even without supporting climate policies. [ScienceDaily]

Solar panels (Asia Chang, Unsplash)

¶ “Ed Markey On Nuclear Energy And Climate Voters” • “The economics of nuclear power don’t seem to be working out very well right now. The Vogtle nuclear [will] produce 2,400 MW of power, but its now estimated to cost $34 billion … [Imagine] what would happen if Georgia Power would’ve invested $34 billion in solar and storage in sunny Georgia. [Axios]

¶ “Palisades Nuclear Papers Indicate Cost Of Repowering Higher Than Anticipated” • Documents suggest Holtec International bought the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant with no intention of decommissioning it, that they plan to install modular nuclear units there, and their projected cost for restarting Palisades is much larger than originally thought. [WSJM]

¶ “Clean Cars Yield $178 Billion In Benefits For Illinois” • Illinois has a big opportunity to provide significant air quality, health, and economic benefits to its residents by adopting the Advanced Clean Cars II standard. The cumulative net societal benefits may reach $168.8 billion to $178 billion by 2050, depending on how the standard is adopted. [CleanTechnica]

Chicago (Joel Mott, Unsplash, cropped)

¶ “Why Clean Air Is A Luxury That Many Can’t Afford” • In the past, indoor air pollution killed many people. But modern forms of air pollution, caused by burning fossil fuels and industries, increasingly claim lives. It is estimated that 4.5 million people died prematurely as a result of outdoor air pollution in 2019, 1.6 million more than in 2000. [BBC]

¶ “Toyota Makes A Real EV Move With An LG Battery Deal” • After dismissing EVs and pushing hard on hydrogen and hybrids, Toyota did something we haven’t seen much lately: It put in an order for some normal, buy-them-today battery cells! LG Energy Solution will supply automotive battery modules for Toyota’s expanding line of EVs. [CleanTechnica]

¶ “Green Hydrogen Slugfest Pits INPEX Against ExxonMobil In Texas” • The dust has settled over the final selection of winning projects in the new US Clean Hydrogen Hubs program, and now the real fight begins. All eyes are on Texas, where green hydrogen stakeholders are already jockeying for opportunities to eliminate fossil-sourced hydrogen. [CleanTechnica]

For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

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