May 6 NEC Energy News
¶ “This Solar-Powered Plane Could Stay In The Air For Months” • The solar powered airplane Solar Impulse 2 circumnavigated the Earth powered entirely by sunlight in 2016. In 2019, the airplane was sold to Skydweller Aero, a US-Spanish startup, with the intention of turning the plane into the world’s first commercially viable “pseudo-satellite.” [CNN]

¶ “Ohio Democratic Party Sues DeWine Over FirstEnergy, Nuclear Bailout Law Records” • The Ohio Democratic Party filed a lawsuit against Gov Mike DeWine’s administration, saying it is breaking the state’s public records law by providing documents with information blacked out. The documents relate to a nuclear bailout corruption scandal. [The Statehouse News Bureau]
¶ “Site Of Retired Iowa Nuclear Plant To Become A Solar Farm” • Iowa’s only nuclear power plant shut down in 2020. Now there are plans to build the state’s biggest solar farm on and around the site. It will include enough solar photovoltaic panels to power tens of thousands of homes and batteries to store energy for times when it’s needed. [Yale Climate Connections]
¶ “Drought Expands In The Southwest, Worsening The Region’s Fire Risk And Water Crisis” • Drought conditions worsened in much of the Southwest over the past week, according to the latest update from the US Drought Monitor, deepening the region’s water crisis and fueling record-setting wildfires. More than 98% of the Southwest is in drought this week. [CNN]

¶ “Europe Is Planning To Ditch Russia’s Oil. Will It Go After Its Gas?” • Europe has proposed a ban on Russian oil, but has again stopped short of sanctioning Russia’s natural gas, a more potent move. The European Commission’s sixth package of sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine, would phase out all crude and oil products by the end of the year. [CNN]
¶ “New Law In France: Green Roofs On All New Commercial Buildings” • The French Parliament approved a law requiring all new commercial buildings to partially have their roofs covered with plants or solar panels. The law will apply to all new buildings in commercial zones. Environmentalists had wanted the roofs to be completely covered by greenery. [CleanTechnica]
¶ “DOJ Announces New Office To Enforce Laws Around Climate Crisis, Toxic Pollution” • Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Justice Department is opening an office specializing in environmental justice efforts. The Office of Environmental Justice is part of a strategy to prioritize the issue, with a focus on the climate crisis. [CNN]
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