January 6 NEC Energy News
¶ “Wind Power Hits Record As Turbines Deliver Over A Quarter Of UK Electricity In 2022” • Data from National Grid show wind was the second largest source of electricity over 2022, supplying 26.8%. It represents a gain of five percentage points compared to 2021. Wind now accounts for a greater proportion of the UK’s electricity mix than nuclear. [The Telegraph]

¶ “Flying Boats And Other Tech For Cleaner Shipping” • The Pioneer is an electric foiling workboat developed by Artemis Technologies. The foil, a wing-like structure beneath the boat, lifts the hull out of the water, reducing drag. Combine that with an electric motor, Artemis says, and you have a vessel with 90% reduced fuel costs and no emissions. [BBC]
¶ “Up To Half Of The World’s Glaciers Could Disappear Even If Ambitious Climate Targets Are Hit” • Glaciers will lose far more ice, causing more sea level rise than current scientific estimates project, a study shows. Researchers found that up to half of all glaciers could be lost by the end of the century, even given the world’s ambitious global climate actions. [CNN]
¶ “Global Renewable Power Capacity To Double In Five Years: IEA Report” • The global capacity of renewable power generation is expected to almost double over the next five years as countries step up efforts to deal with the energy crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a report by the International Energy Agency has shown. [毎日新聞, The Mainichi]

¶ “Germany Generated A Historical Amount Of Electricity From Wind Energy This Week” • On January 4, Germany set a wind energy record. European Energy Exchange data showed wind farms nationwide had produced more than 50,000 MW of power, resulting in the highest production of electricity ever from wind turbines. [Green Matters]
¶ “UK’s 2022 Was Hottest Year On Record, Says Forecaster” • The UK experienced its hottest year on record in 2022, the national weather service said. Human-induced climate change made what would normally be a once-in-500-year event likely to happen every three or four years. Since 1884, all the ten warmest years have occurred after 2003. [Devdiscourse]
¶ “Evacuations Ordered In California As Deadly Storm Slams Into Coast” • Heavy rain and powerful winds are pounding the northern California coast and forecasters have warned people to expect more flooding and mudslides. California has been under a state of emergency since Wednesday. Over 160,000 home and businesses have lost power. [BBC]
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