September 8 NEC Energy News

¶ “Australia Launches Construction Of The World’s Largest Solar Power Plant” • Australia is set to build the world’s largest solar farm. SunCable will have a capacity of 6 GW, of which 4 GW is to power three million Australian homes, while the remaining 2 GW will be exported to Singapore via a 4,500-kilometer (about 2,796 miles) submarine cable. []

Northern Territory (PeterWHCC-BY-SA 3.0, cropped)

¶ “Like Running Hazelwood Coal Plant For 106 Years” • The government evaluated data from the 2024 Integrated System Plan by the Australian Energy Market Operator. It says emissions from coal and gas could grow by 1.7 billion tonnes by 2050 if their use is extended another 15 years, as required under the Coalition’s nuclear power plans. [RenewEconomy]

¶ “How The Balkans Region Grappled With The Hottest Summer In Over A Century” • Meteorologists say the summer of 2024 in the Balkans was the hottest since measurements started over 130 years ago. Long periods with temperatures above 30°C (86°F) that didn’t fall below 20°C (68°F) overnight have pushed the average temperatures to new highs. [ABC News]

¶ “Scientists Search The Underside Of Glaciers For Clues To Sea Level Rise” • With knowledge about the undersides of glaciers at the ocean edge, scientists could predict how they interact with warmer ocean waters. That will give us better understanding of how much increase in sea levels we can expect and when, giving world cities time to prepare. [CleanTechnica]

Robotic submarine (Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas)

¶ “India’s Power Sector To Increase By 2.2 Times To $280 Billion By FY30: Report” • India’s power generation and transmission sectors are poised for substantial growth, and as the country goes into a phase of GDP growth driven by capital expenditure, the power intensity should increase, according to Jefferies in its latest September report. [Times of Oman]

¶ “Wildfire Burning East Of Los Angeles Forces Evacuation In California Town” • Officials in San Bernardino County issued an evacuation order and declared a local emergency after a wildfire burning in the hills east of the city grew to over 7,000 acres. The Line Fire was 0% contained as of Saturday afternoon, roughly two days after it started. [ABC News]

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